
Alistair Warburton avatar image
Alistair Warburton asked

Which GX device?

Hi folks,

It seems I need a second GX, long story but it is the right way to go.

I have a CCGX in an Easy Solar Package, the older type, and its fine.
I have added a second 'seperate' setup and had connected it to the CCGX via a MK-3 - Which mostly works but has a single issue which makes it a poor plan all things considdered.

So... New GX it is the question is which way to go?
I dont need a display so the choice is Cerbo, Venus or Raspberry PI I guess.

Can anyone give me a recomendation?
It looks like the Cerbo is more flexible, not that I need it to be and about th same price as the Venus, why? What am I missing.

By the time I find an overpriced PI, dam supply chain issues, and buy an SSD, case, psu and cables it will probably only save cerca £100 but require a load of messing about.

I am leaning towards The Cerbo but a sanity check would be good and I could do with understanding what I should be considdering to make the choice.

Right now I dont even know what I dont know.



gx device
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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Between Cerbo GX and Venus GX, Cerbo GX is the clear choice (especially with them being close in price, as you wrote).

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Alistair Warburton avatar image Alistair Warburton commented ·
Great thanks...

Do yu know if both relays are controlable via Modbus?

The register exists but there is no guarantee that means anything as many registers that look like they should work with a device class only work on speciffic devices...

Case in point the CCGX only has a single relay but there are two in the modbus device list asociated with GX devices in general.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 Alistair Warburton commented ·

Do yu know if both relays are controlable via Modbus?

I do not know.

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