
jerrylcaldwell avatar image
jerrylcaldwell asked

Can float charge be disabled automatically?

I have three SOK 206AH batteries in parallel for a 12V system. They don’t seem to like being in float for more than an hour or two. When in float invariably one of the batteries will have a cell reach an overcharge state that shuts the individual BMS down. This stops the charge for that battery and causes an imbalance in the battery voltages. I suppose this might not be a real problem, but want to know if the MultiPlus can be programmed to shut the charger off when float starts.

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1 Answer
gainestr avatar image
gainestr answered ·

Can I ask you what you have your float voltage set to?

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jerrylcaldwell avatar image jerrylcaldwell commented ·
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gainestr avatar image gainestr jerrylcaldwell commented ·

I’ve asked this question to Min from SOK because I have two 206Ah SOK’s in parallel as well. Float should be no more that 13.6V. Anything higher will trigger the BMS to allow a charge which could result in the issue you are having. It appears that 13.6V prevents any charge from going to the battery. A LiFePO4 battery does not need to be floated and therefore by lowering the float voltage, you are essentially preventing a charge going to your battery. This is what your question was asking about and this is how you essentially turn off the charge going to your battery in float mode. The BMS inside your battery regulates this, not the SCC. My float is set to 13.5V. You are not really going to see that much of a capacity loss by dropping your float voltage. Actually, by many accounts, it’s actually better for your battery to not be charged so high so often.

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