
gero avatar image
gero asked

MultiPlus-II GX with Daly BMS and CAN-Bus connection

Hello, I would like to build an 16S 48V LiFePO4 battery pack with 280Ah EVE cells and 200A Daly BMS with CAN-Port. As inverter I decided for an MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 GX. I asked the Daly support if the BMS will communicate with the Victron MultiPlus-II GX and they confirmed. In an other thread sombode wrote that the Daly BMS will not communicte by CAN-Bus with the Victron Multiplus II GX. Does anybody has experience with the Daly BMS and if it works by CAN-Connetion out of the box with the Victron devices?

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18 Answers
entropia1ac avatar image
entropia1ac answered ·

I bought 2 CAN Daly board interfaces, Daly BMS 400A and connected to Cerbo GX with Multiplus II. It doesn't work over CAN. It shows some nonsense current and voltage values. No Dali support.notes-230107-211348.png

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entropia1ac avatar image entropia1ac commented ·


real foto

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Out of the box the BMS-Can is set to 500kbit/s if the Daly BMS uses 250kbit/s you have to change that setting.

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entropia1ac avatar image entropia1ac commented ·

does not work on CAN 500 kb/s or 250 kb/s

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josmeijer avatar image josmeijer entropia1ac commented ·

Yes (for those who read this post from the start) there is a standard driver in GX for 500 kbits as mentioned in the Daly instrucrion video. If you set the BMS to Victron protocol it should work out of the box.

Bad news: in my case it doesn't :-(


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daly-500kbit.jpg (30.1 KiB)
gero avatar image
gero answered ·

Thanks for your answer. So I am happy when my Daly BMS will arrive and can be connectetd to the Multiplus II GX by 250 kbit/s.

I have a further question. The Daly BMS has a 5 pin connector as CAN port and the Victron has a RJ45 connector for the "BMS CAN". Do you know which pins need to be connected to which wire of an RJ45 cable? I assume I have to make a cable DIY and there is no existing cable?anschlusscan.jpgWhat I found is this connection diagram of the Daly BMS:

anschlusscan.jpg (123.8 KiB)
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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

For CANBUS you need CAN-H, CAN-L and GND.
The 8P8C connector on the Victron side is Pin7 = CAN-H, Pin8 = CAN-L and Pin3 = GND

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gero avatar image
gero answered ·

Thank you. This information was very helpfull. I found a good solution to connect the wire with a 8P8C port.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ commented ·
Don't forget to twist wires CAN-H and CAN-L together. These are a differential pair, so they need to be twisted together to minimise the effects of noise.
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gero avatar image
gero answered ·

Hi, I have connected all the parts. LiFePo4 Cells, Daly BMS and the Multiplus II GX. The system ist working well but I cannot see the BMS in the Venus shell. I have connected the BMS CAN with the CAN-Port of the Daly BMS, set the 250kbit/s and obviously the CAN connection is running (RX and TX packages are counted). Due to the instruction an BMS device should appear in the device list with a menue in the remote console but there appears nothing. Do I need to add an Assistent in the VEConfig or what can be my mistake in the setup? Thanks for your great help.vecan-port.jpg

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bergyla avatar image
bergyla answered ·

Daly-BMS is not in the list of compatible BMS supported from Victron-Energy.
So even your electrical connection is correct, and the CAN-frames are transmitted, VenusOS will not do anything with the data received.
There is some DBUS (driver) (and DALY-BMS connected via R2-232/RS-484) from some private project to get it work, but not via CAN as far as I know

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josmeijer avatar image josmeijer commented ·
No, But DALY wrote a protocol that is supposed to trick GX into communicating anyway. Lots of people got that working. Not me unluckily.

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gero avatar image
gero answered ·

I found the private project of with the driver for the Venus OS, enabeling the Daly BMS communication with a RS 485 connection. by using a preconfigured USB-Boot Stick to update the Venus OS.

My question is now how to connect the recommended USB->RS485 cabel (original from victron), at the Multiplus II GX. The USB-Port at the Multiplus II is already connected with the EM24 Energymeter and the MultiplusII has only one USB Port availabel? usb-connection.jpg

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raphael avatar image raphael commented ·
You can use a USB hub to extend the USB connection
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tymonboot avatar image tymonboot commented ·
Did you get this to work?
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luphi avatar image
luphi answered ·

I know, it's a long time ago, but you have to use the VE.can port on your GX device, not the BMS.can.

Here is a video made by Daly:

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realhik avatar image
realhik answered ·

So is the answer "yes" to the question: Does a Dali BMS work together wie a Victron GX device over CAN bus without additional software?

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it-guru avatar image it-guru commented ·

Yes and No.

If you view the video, you will see, there is a "interface-board" needed. A simple CAN adapter cable is not sufficent (i have just try it - with no success). I have contact (mail address from the comments in the video) to get informations about the interface board (and where i can buy it).

We will see ...

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Thomas Raabo avatar image
Thomas Raabo answered ·

Just use a smartshunt.

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entropia1ac avatar image
entropia1ac answered ·

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panicman avatar image panicman commented ·

Hi, how did you managed it? Out of the Box or had you to flash something on the WNT?

I try since a while to make an connection w/o success...

See here:

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josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

I might have overlooked it, but it looks like the best kept secret in this topic, this interface board. I cracked the code finally and found just 1 (one) supplier on Aliexpress willing to sell it.

Yet it is more-or less standard in the 19" rack LiFePo batteries that are for sale all over the place.

You can buy it from

But you have to send them a message stating for what device you want to use it before they ship it (spoiler: Victron :-)

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djdemond avatar image
djdemond answered ·

I managed to get it working with Daly Smart BMS, Interface WNT board, Mutliplus II and VenusOS.

I wrote it up here in case it helps:

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josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

I never got CAN bus working this way. But I did realise a working D-bus/RS485 connection, thanks to this:

No interface print needed, works with the daly factory-supplied cables (Uart or rs485) IN usb port of the GX device.

Disclaimer: the "easy way", booting with a patch file on USB or SD did not work for me. Installing over SSH did.

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Roger Knoll avatar image
Roger Knoll answered ·

I just had the a problem with a Daly 80A BMS. There was no possibility to swicht it to a Victron Cerbo on a MP2.
After contacting the Daly BMS Factory I had contact to a very friendly support. Peki Wei was helping me uncomplaining.
The problem was, that the BMS firmware wasn't for Victron Energy/CAN.
The LAN Cable pin 8=L (pin5 to CAN-BMS) and 7=H to pin4 of CAN-BMS was right.
It's not necessary to use GND!

After upgrading with a special upgrad for Victron with ext. CAN it was perfect working.

Tried to upload the firmware, doesn't work.
Wie kann ich ein File .S19 hochladen?

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Roger Knoll avatar image Roger Knoll commented ·

addition: the 5-pin CAN plug is either working for CAN or RS-485!
An USB-to-RS-485 adaptor, connected to that port, is disturbing and stops the function of CAN.

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oliver-welnitz avatar image oliver-welnitz commented ·
Hallo Roger,

ich habe Interesse an der Daly Firmware und etwas Unterstützung meinen Cerbo GX mit zwei Daly BMS zum Laufen zu bekommen.

Schreib mir doch bitte kurz unter wuschelo (at) wie ich Dich erreichen kann :)

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Matt drummond bell avatar image
Matt drummond bell answered ·

Did anyone work out a surefire way of connecting Daly to gx ?

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onrbikes avatar image
onrbikes answered ·


Not sure if this helps.

Daly sent me this. My understanding is to control induvidual battery balancing via the seperate Daly App.

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