
Willem avatar image
Willem asked

Why does Quattro 8000 1-ph not allow full charging current from generator

Installation: Quattro 8000 / 6xpylontech 48V batteries / generator 12kVA VAR / 6000W 48V PV

CCL set at 222A

Why does the Quattro limit the generator charge duty of batteries to total of 3800W (13A/battery) if batteries can take 40A continuously?

During generator charging, Quattro directs 3800W to batteries and e.g. additional 3000W to end users.

battery charging
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3 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


What is your input current limit? Do you have other loads on as well?

Is weak AC checked? Alternatively the charge current from grid is set that low.

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Willemao

Your Quattro has a rated charge limit of 110A, and by default it is probably set lower than that. Have you had a look?

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Willem avatar image
Willem answered ·

Have resolved the problem. She charges at 110A now.

Thanks for the help.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
It would be good to know what the problem was, if others run into the same issue.

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jan-rotermund avatar image jan-rotermund commented ·
Hi. I have the Same Problem….. can you help. What was the Solution?!
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