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sailinganuri asked

Solar panel MPPTs not syncing when connected to shore power

We recently installed 2 Smartsolar charge controllers (MPPT 75-15) onto our sailboat (with 2-360 watt solar panels). We are currently connected to shore power and every morning the MPPTs goes into Bulk and "recharge" our batteries even though the batteries are at FLOAT level kept by the AC charger. We have turned on the VE.Smart networking for the SmartsShunt and the 2 MPPT's. We have also turned on the DVCC with only the SCS turned on (we have 12 volt Victron Lithium batteries). How can we set the system up to talk to each other and sync so that the solar panels aren't charging the batteries every morning? I'm trying to ensure that we are not reducing the life of our batteries and reduce the number of total charge cycles. Thanks!

MPPT Controllersmultiplus ve.bussmart solar set-up help
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MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual