
mrcrowley11 avatar image
mrcrowley11 asked

Physical button control of MultiPlus with CerboGX

I have an existing MultiPlus 12/3000/120 inverter that i am thinking of adding a CerboGX to gain some additional functionality. According to the manual for the CerboGX, the inverter may only be controlled by the CerboGX and may not be controlled by a physical switch. I currently have a physical switch wired to the MultiPlus (terminal H in the MultiPlus manual) and wish to keep the functionality a physical switch provides. The CerboGX manual makes it seems this is possible using something called an “Assistant“, specifically the safety shut off assistant. There isnt any info in the CerboGX manual about using an “assistant“ from I can tell. It seems that my objective should be possible by wiring my physical switch to a GPIO/contact closure on the CerboGX and programming the functionality in the Cerbo but how to accomplish that isn’t abundantly clear. If anyone can fill in the blanks for me, i would be greatly appreciative!

cerbo gxmultiple inverters
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


I assume you are reffering to this part of the cerbo manual.

The safety shut off assistant is here. Programmed onto the inverter itself and is triggered by a switch. So could be triggered through the cerbo menu with a cerbo relay from a NO contact. Or just another physical switch.

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mrcrowley11 avatar image
mrcrowley11 answered ·

Ah, so i need to program the Assistant on the inverter itself. Thanks! In my case, that means I’ll the the USB programming cable for the inverter.

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