
michaeltenerife avatar image
michaeltenerife asked

Is my Cervo working correctly? (PV production is 225W, battery is -20W and AC loads 188W only)

Is this normal? Thank youscreenshot-from-2022-05-04-19-01-26.png

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Probably not too bad at the low end of the scale. Remember, you have the energy losses in the systems and the AC load might have a power factor of less than 1, so the VA number would be more in that case.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

There are 3 topics open for pretty much the same thing, no need to keep everyone re-reading the same question in a different guise.

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michaeltenerife avatar image michaeltenerife commented ·
Apologies. I had questions coming as I went on seeing more....
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ michaeltenerife commented ·

As mentioned above, on average you lose around 10-15% in the DC to AC conversion.

Deduct from loads what is coming from grid then the balance plus overhead is from battery.

Completely normal.

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michaeltenerife avatar image michaeltenerife nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you Nick. I just need this point to be still clarified and I am good to go:

thank you for all the help. It is much appreciated.

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ michaeltenerife commented ·
I think Mr Kirby nailed the answer for you on that one.
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