
marco-w avatar image
marco-w asked

Battery charger vs battery bank capacity

I have 6x 12v 130Ah Victron Energy AGM´s in 3 pairs, so make 390A @ 24 volts. Most of the charging power is coming from the solar panels, but on the occasional dull day, I want to be able to charge with a generator. I quite like the Phoenix Smart IP43 24/25 charger, as it is compact and smart. But, in the description for this charger, a battery bank of 125-250Ah is recommended. How much of a problem is it to get it to charge 390Ah? Is it is a matter of time? Or can´t it just manage it?

battery charging
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It's a matter of time really. It means that you'll have to run the generator for longer to get the battery full.

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marco-w avatar image
marco-w answered ·

Ah ok, thanks wkirby. So it is not like it will blow up the charger.....

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