
treejohnny avatar image
treejohnny asked

MPPT 450/100 'Alarm #23 Internal Sensor missing'

This charge controller has harvested around 500kWh so far in present configuration. 6500w array with around 260v in off grid application. 1.09 firmware is installed now.

I am wondering if this is faulty or just a software glitch?

mppt rs
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Did you take a look into the manual?

7.4.11. Error 22, 23 - Internal temperature sensor failure

The internal temperature measurements are out of range. Disconnect all wires, and then reconnect all wires, to restart the unit. This error will not auto-reset. If the error remains, please contact your dealer, there might be a hardware defect.

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treejohnny avatar image treejohnny commented ·
I have not read the manual but have 'reset' the charge controller 6-8 times so far. I was hoping a new version of firmware would fix it.

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