
kniven avatar image
kniven asked

Timeout on bulk charging

Hi. I have a Phoenix Smart IP43 Charger 12|50 (1+1). Last night I wanted to charge my 400Ah battery bank, but since I was in no hurry, and that we wanted to reduce the noise from the charger, I decided to reduce the output Amps to 25 A.

The bank was quite empty (ca 300 Ah consumed since last charging). This morning I woke up, and there was an error message, and red light on the charger. I found out that there is a max duration of 10 hours of bulk charging on this charger.

Question: Is it possible to change this max time. Or alternatively; would it be possible to change this setting to a max Ah instead, so that slow charging (better for batteries) could easily be allowed?

Any ideas/opinions?

battery charging
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1 Answer
takamine avatar image
takamine answered ·

Hello, when you go to the settings on the app, you have to turn on expert mode. There you can set both the maximum current and the bulk time

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

@kniven You need to set 'user defined' instead of 'default' to enable changing the bulk time limit.

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