
hobbes avatar image
hobbes asked

Can you add more Multiplus inverters (of the same type) to an off grid system when it is expanded at a later date ?

Having set up an off grid solar system with two 3000VA Multiplus Inverters, is it possible to add another inverter (of the same type) years later when the system is expanded with more solar panels?

Does it matter if the identical inverters are of different ages / editions? I.e. pairing a 2022 model with a 2025 (for example)?

Many thanks!

multiplus in parallelmultiple inverters
2 |3000

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hobbes avatar image hobbes commented ·

So - just to confirm - if say 3 x inverters were bought at the same point in time ... then would it be possible to add the third inverter to the other two at a later date when the system is expanded with more panels?

Many thanks !

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ hobbes commented ·
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Systems need to have the same hardware revision (and firmware), so you might get away with a couple of years. Once left too long and only newer hardware is available, then you’re stuck.

2 |3000

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