
richardson avatar image
richardson asked

Color Control GX reads Battery 65% charged, when the solar gets to 40% charging then jumps to 100% charged batteries are 11.7volts

As soon as some power is used say TV and lights the Color Controller GX may read 92% end of night 85% with everything switch off. In the morning reads 74% with everything switched off.

As soon as the solar gets to 40 watts charge the GX jumps to 100% charged ?

battery charging
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You will need to add a lot more detail about your system - what do you have, what is connected to what, configuration settings etc. There really isn't anything here that would allow any one to try help.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Including battery type and age.
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