
mrhappy avatar image
mrhappy asked

Suggestions for VRM - navigation

Maybe add four buttons on every widget, left arrow, right arrow, minus and plus. This to swiftly navigate the timeline. I find often that going up to the zoom menu feels a bit clumsy, sometimes I just want to go backwards a bit in time or just zoom out a little.

Thank you for all work you do with the system, really appreciate it!


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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @MrHappy,

I have had the same experience, and agree that a way to zoom out a bit, just like you can zoom in a bit, would be useful.

I'll put it on the list of feature requests. Thanks.

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mrhappy avatar image mrhappy commented ·
Thank you @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) , I appreciate it!


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