
robertvn avatar image
robertvn asked

Cyrix-Li-Charge or Cyrix-Li-ct

Hi all,

I'm wondering what the difference is between a Cyrix-Li-Charge and a Cyrix-Li-ct.

For my setup I'm looking to put a BMS diconnect between my charger and lithium battery. For this I would need a Cyrix-Li-Charge. But, I have a non-used Cyrix-Li-ct laying around. Is it possible to use this?

I can't find out what the difference really is. I hope I can use the one laying around for this.

Thanks for helping!

Lithium BatterychargerCyrix Battery Combiner
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2 Answers
Sarah avatar image
Sarah answered ·

The Cyrix-Li-Charge is designed for connecting between a charger LiFePO4 battery whereas the Cyrix-Li-CT is designed for the parallel connection of lead acid starter battery and LiFePO4 battery. As such they have slightly different profiles to account for the differences between being connected to a managed charger and an alternator which is configured for charging a lead acid battery.

Some of the differences between the models (for the full details see the spec sheet

Differences between the models (assuming 12 V system)

- The Cyrix-Li-Charge has a three second delay before closing the relay the delay for the The Cyrix-Li-CT will depend on the voltage.

- The Cyrix-Li-Charge will check for a voltage on both the charger side (13 V) and battery side (2 V) before enabling the charge (with time delay). The Cyrix-Li-CT will turn on if there is 13.4 V on one of its terminals.

- The Cyrix-Li-CT will disable charging if the voltage is below 13.3 V (i.e. the alternator is not charging) whereas the Cyrix-Li-Charge will disengage at a lower voltage of 11.5 V.

- The Cyrix-Li-Charge also performs some additional checks to ensure the charger is still connected to the battery.

My understanding is that the fundamental difference betwwen the two products is that the Cyrix-Li-CT operates at slightly higher voltages to protect the starter battery from unintended discharge.

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robertvn avatar image
robertvn answered ·

@Sarah Thanks for your response! So, not a good idea to use it in a different way than intended. Just to be on the safe side.

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Sarah avatar image Sarah commented ·

Up to you - it might work - these things always come down to finances. I think you will be okay doing what you want (I just wouldn’t use the products the other way around using the charger version in an alternator / starter battery situation).

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