
marcus-spranger avatar image
marcus-spranger asked

Enabling Modbus TCP in Cerbo GX triggers error due to access of address 40000

This has been asked before here:

but there has been no real answer unfortunately so I am trying again.

I would like to use the Modbus TCP interface to read out and monitor various values of the system, which consists of:

  • 2x MultiPlus II 5000
  • Cerbo GX (firmware version 2.84)
  • 2x Freedom Won batteries
  • Fronius Primo 8.2
  • BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/35

As soon as I enable the Modbus TCP service, there seems to be a device making a query for address 40000, which doesn't exist:


This request seems to happen about once per minute. Not sure which device has unit ID 126, but the IP address is the address of the Cerbo GX.

How can I turn off those invalid queries resulting in that error?

Thank you.

Modbus TCP
modbus-2.png (28.3 KiB)
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1 Answer
lifeingalicia avatar image
lifeingalicia answered ·

ID126 is usually an external device Check des devicelist on your vm portal.

Something is trying to read 2 registers starting at 40000 - Any homeautomation software trying comunication?

You have to hit the right devid and the registers according to victron spred sheet

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marcus-spranger avatar image marcus-spranger commented ·

Unfortunately I missed your reply but thank you for that. Let me investigate further.

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