
frame77 avatar image
frame77 asked

Multiplus II installation options


I'm installing a Multiplus II with Pylontech batteries.

I have a SMA SunnyBoy 5000TL-24 AC grid inverter.

Wiring diagrams show two installation options: parallel to the MP2 or connected to AC-out.

What's the best option?

In case of a grid failure, the MP2 would create an island on AC-out, would the inverter still work to support the esential loads and let the MP2 charge the battery? Assuming there was battery power left as the grid failure occured of course.


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1 Answer
marekp avatar image
marekp answered ·


If your MP-II is 5000VA or bigger, you can connect your SMA SunnyBoy 5000 on the AC-out. It will allow this Inverter to work when grid is missing.

Make sure you load "ESS" or "PV inverter" assistant to allow the system control over PV inverter production when grid is missing, battery is full and loads are smaller than PV inverter production.

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