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kurba asked

EasySolar-II 48/3000/35-32 with ESS frequent restart Venus OS


I have a problem with EasySolar-II 48/3000/35-32 MPPT 250/70 GX. When the sun is shining, Venus OS restarts several times a day. And sometimes MPPT doesn't load after reboot, so it stops production. It only happens during the day, it does not restart at night.

I tried several versions of Venus OS (v2.82, v2.83, v2.84, v2.85 ~ 1) and still the same. I have 3 products, it behaves the same everywhere.

Can you advise me if this is a software or hardware problem. Or how to solve it?

Thank you.


ESSVenus OSEasySolar All-in-One
2 |3000

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