
markuru avatar image
markuru asked

Easysolar-II GX VE direct


i have a few questions related to the Easysolar-II GX (48/3000).

I understand that internally the GX-device is connecting the Multiplus-II and the SmartSolar 250/70 and is providing the Venus OS.

1. Do i just plug in the Eternet cable with a working internet connection and that´s it to connect to Victron VRM (yes, some registration/configuration necessary - but technically?).

2. Will i still be able to access the system parameters via MQTT? (like if i would have Venus OS on a Raspberry Pi)

3. The Easysolar-II GX has one and one USB connection. If i would like to connect a SmartShunt & an additional SmartSolar charge controller (other side of the roof), could i connect one of the devices directly to and the other via a dongle? Is the GX device working with this dongle?

4. Is the Easysolar-II GX with this boundary conditions the right design choice or should i rather consider a Cerbo GX with separate SmartSolar(s), Multiplus-II and a SmartShunt?

Thanks a lot for your help!

EasySolar All-in-OneVE.Direct
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

1. Just plug in a normal Ethernet cable. In default configuration the IP address will be dynamically assigned to the GX device if your network DHCP server is set up to do so (also standard for most normal people).

2. MQTT works the same as on RaspberryPi.

3. The GX device works with USB-VE.Direct dongle. So you can connect the additional MPPT via VE.Direct cable and the SmartShunt with USB-VE.Direct cable to the USB port.

4. For what you have planned right now, this is a good choice. More VE.Direct-USB dongles can be connected in the future if you use a USB hub.

There is a comparison table here if you want to review your choices:

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markuru avatar image markuru commented ·
Thank you so much! This was really helpful!
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