
mike-1 avatar image
mike-1 asked

No inverter control shown in new control mode in VRM

The new control mode in VRM no longer shows the inverter control icons. Only shows relay control.


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12 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @mike,

Indeed, apologies but the inverter control feature in VRM has been removed.

Work continues on these new control features, but for now that module is no longer available.

EDIT - UPDATE - This feature has returned.

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kstyler avatar image
kstyler answered ·

This feature was one of the best things that have been rolled out since years. Please bring it back. Thanks

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helmut11 avatar image
helmut11 answered ·

Please bring back the inverter control. Setting the current online quickly and easily is a great feature that I would really like to see come back

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chriss1991 avatar image
chriss1991 answered ·

Ich kann mich da nur anschließen! Das war eine super coole Funktion und sie hat zumindest bei mir zu Hause wunderbar funktioniert. Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn sie zeitnah wieder eingeführt wird.

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gogi62 avatar image
gogi62 answered ·

Adding inverter control to the dashbord was a great update. I used it daily, as long as it lasted, and really appreciated the easy way of accessing the control. Removing this useful feature, without even a message in the VRM’s ”What’s new” section, is not appreciated. Removing the inverter controls is really as big change as adding them. Such sudden changes confuse users into believing that something is wrong, since it just dissapeared. Please give us this feature back!!!

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

This functionality is still available in the Marine MFD app, and as a workaround might suit some..

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charcast avatar image
charcast answered ·

We want it back ASAP!

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rwbinc1 avatar image
rwbinc1 answered ·

I agree with all the comments on this matter! This was one of the best features that has come along and was using it daily! If you are removing a feature please let us know that so we don’t spend hours trying to figure out what went wrong!!!

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mbmike29 avatar image
mbmike29 answered ·

Ugh, please add this back. I've been scratching my head for 2 days trying to figure out why it disappeared for my system.

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pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

For those demanding it back. I'm sure it was removed for a good reason and there was a problem with it. I'm sure it'll be back when all the kinks are ironed out.

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Remy Habets avatar image Remy Habets commented ·
But even than!

We still want it back!
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thomassolar avatar image
thomassolar answered ·

This was a super feature for us running a off grid cabin. Please give us back the posibilty to switch Multiplus ON/OFF in the VRM as soon as possible!

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7552joel avatar image
7552joel answered ·

Please bring it back. Looking at alternatives now on how to do the same controls through MQTT or modbus.

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David avatar image David commented ·
If you run Node-Red, you can create buttons to do the same thing. That is how I was controlling my EasyPlus remotely, but I do agree having that functionality in the Native VRM interface was really handy.
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