
cliffrodriguez avatar image
cliffrodriguez asked

Question on Victron support for RV'er on the road (USA)

Hello, I'm converting my Ford Transit cargo van to an RV. I'm really interested in the Victron product line. I would like to know how on-the road support works? If my Inverter or other module fails, how do I get support? Can I get repair from a local distributor or does it have to go back to the installer?

My larger question is I'm thinking of something like a Bluetti device that has everything in it and is extendable. The downside, other than cost, is that you have to send the fail unit back to the manufacturer to get it diagnosed and repaired.

If I'm looking at one of the all-in-one products from Victron (inverter/mppt/charger) which is all in box, am I in a better situation if it fails while I'm on the road?

Appreciate any input you can provide. I hope my questions makes sense.

I'm in CT, USA.


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1 Answer
Ed Jones avatar image
Ed Jones answered ·

Hi Cliff @cliffrodriguez, I wish I could offer you a cut-n-dry answer but it's going to depend on where you buy the Victron products. I would think, and hope, that any reputable Victron dealer/installer would help you out wherever you travel in the same country.

In reality, if installed properly, it will be unlikely that a Victron will fail after it's commissioned and tested.

There is currently no all-in-one Victron product produced for the N.A. market. At least not right now. And even if they did, a repair would mean sending the entire unit back. With a modular Victron setup, in the unlikely event you have an issue, you can just isolate that device and possibly implement a workaround while you perform the repair.

If you aren't already working with someone, feel free to send me an email at and I can help you. We can design a system to meet your needs and even provide support remotely if you have Internet access (even by cell) where you travel. Good luck!

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Victron - Where to buy - Authorised Installers, Sales and Distribution

Warranty and Repairs.