
repro avatar image
repro asked

Monitor shore power with a Phoenix 24/3000 (USA)

I have a Phoenix inverter (24/3000) in an off grid set up although I do have grid power. My configuration looks like this:

  1. Phoenix 24/3000
  2. 250/60 SmartSolar SCC
  3. Lynx Distributor
  4. Lynx Power In
  5. 24V 400Ah LiFePO4 Battery Bank
  6. Cerbo GX
  7. AIMS 36/48V AC Converter/Battery Charger
  8. Kill Switch, Fuses and circuit breakers

The Phoneix does not have AC input nor does it have a charger. My AIMS battery charger only kicks on when solar cannot keep the batteries topped off daily, which is very seldom. Is there any way to see and monitor the power input of the AIMS in VRM when it kicks on and charging the batteries?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer
Rob Fijn avatar image
Rob Fijn answered ·

Hello Repro,

You can use this grid meter.

Best regards,


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repro avatar image repro commented ·
Thank you for link.
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