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takamine asked

Celballancing SmartLiFePo4 12V/160Ah ...

The manual of this Victron Lithium battery says that you should fully charge it at least once a month even when you are not a big consumer. If the battery's app after a month says it's balanced and ready to go, do you still need to do that full charge? and should the absorption voltage be 14.2V or can it be lower? ps. On average I consume 15Ah per day.

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·


Yes, even if the app says it's balanced. It should be 14.20V and you should give it some time to balance if needed (absorption for 2 hours). It doesn't do any harm to your battery if you follow the manual even on a very low discharge rate.

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takamine avatar image
takamine answered ·

Hello Stefanie, but then why exists the option "Adaptive Absorbtion" if you need to do this for a minimum of two hours ? And balancing one's a month is oke than ?

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Adaptive Absorption is quite often used in a system with lead acid batteries. And the app is also used for a variety of other systems. SmartLithiums are usually charged with a fixed absorption time (which you can change of course). 2 hours is the recommended setting, but there is nothing that can prevent you from shortening this to let's say 1 hour or even less.

I'm running 4x100Ah SmartLithiums in one of my systems, which also have a very low discharge rate (during winter time when boat is moored and not used). Still I'm charging them up to 100% once in a month with 2 hours of absorption. This goes for 3 years now and cannot see any disadvantage following the manual to the letter.

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