
smokingbro avatar image
smokingbro asked

Quattro Firmware Error

Hi Everyone,

New user and first post. We have a Quattro 48 5000 70/2x100 ac coupled to a Fronius Primo 3.0-1 in an off grid setup.

We upgraded the firmware when we setup the Quattro, label on he unit says 1958148 and I updated to 209 so that I had assistant functionality for off grid. Upgrade worked ok and been ticking along for a couple of weeks as we tests batteries and loads etc.

Went to log in via VE.Bus tonight to check settings (must admit haven't logged in following upgrade and assistant setup) and I get this message.


From what I understand our unit is a 19 (VE.Bus - old microprocessor, 230VAC) so I can't upgrade to 415 as that's for new microprocessors. Have I missed something or is there a way to get past this?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerfirmware update
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Indeed there are limitations with the older firmware and also older microcontrollers:


Here is a link to the full manual:

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smokingbro avatar image
smokingbro answered ·

I understand the limitations of the old microcontrollers and firmware versions which is why we updated to 1958209 to enable the assistant as our system is off-grid, which we did via VEFlash successfully.

What I don't understand is why when we are trying to connect to the Quattro via the VE Bus it displays the error message saying we need to upgrade 415 as it's for new microcontrollers, and how to get past this message to review/edit the settings of the Quattro.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Your problem is the old microprocessor. For VictronConnect you need at least firmware 200 AND a new microprocessor. Firmware 200 and the old processor is not working.

But if you want to setup assistants you need VE.config anyway.

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smokingbro avatar image smokingbro commented ·

Thanks for responding but I don't follow why that's the case. Originally I checked the Quattro and found I needed firmware 200+ to give me the assistant capability which I need for an off-grid (AC Coupled-Fronius) to allow for Frequency adjustment.

I found the VE.Bus firmware versions explained, which says


Firmware versions - 200 to 299 are firmware versions with Assistant functionality, for old and new microprocessor. So I downloaded 209.

I just don't understand why I we can't log in like before?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ smokingbro commented ·

You can use assistants with firmware 209 but you have to use VE.config not VictronConnect.

VictronConnect is not comfortable with the old microprocessor and assistants are not available in VictronConnect!


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