
Jeremy Woods avatar image
Jeremy Woods asked

Smart lithium battery

So on a 12v camper system running a Victron Phoenix 12/2000 230v do I use....

1 x Victron 12,8 LiFe04 200Ah Smart Battery


2 x Victron 12,8 LiFe04 100Ah Smart Batteries

Ive been told I will get more power from fitting 2 x smarts 100Ah


1 x smart 200Ah

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Your choice. Which ever fits better, maybe.

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bathnm avatar image
bathnm answered ·

The other things to do is some calculations related to load, run time and charge. That will help size the battery correctly. So for example if you Ah load calculation comes out that in a single 24 hour period you consume 130Ah, and generate just 100Ah. Then each day you will have a deficit of 30Ah. A 100Ah battery would last 2 days before you need to connect to mains and do a recharge. The 200Ah would run for nearly 5 days.

To get your Ah load over 24 hours, find the current draw and multiply it by the run time. So for example lights draw 3A and run for 3 hours, that would be 9Ah; a fridge draws 5A, is on for 24 hours, but has a duty cycle of 50%, so on for 5 minutes and off for 5 minutes in a 10 minute window, so it would draw 5 * 24 * .5 of 60Ah. You boil a kettle on the inverter, it takes 6 minutes to boil and draws 13A at 240v, that would equate to around 260A at 12v for 6 mins, so would consume 26Ah, and you do this twice a day so need 52Ah.

You have 200w of solar. which generates say 62Ah, there are some good solar calculators out there, based on your geographical area. So anything difference between 24 hour load and solar generation is coming from the battery and needs replenishing at some stage.

Hope that all makes sense.

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Jeremy Woods avatar image Jeremy Woods commented ·

Sorry and thank you for reply.

I was going to buy a Victron smart 200Ah LifePo4

My supplier has steered me in the direction of running

2 x 100Ah smart lifePo4 to run my Victron Phoenix 12/2000 230v to power my 1465w coffee machine.

Saying I would get more immediate power from 2 x 100Ah because they are smart batteries.....????

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