
jistjad avatar image
jistjad asked

Non Isolated B2B Charger Installation- Can it be wired direct to the battery instead of the alternator?


Hoping someone may be able to help.

I have a non isolated b2b charger that I am hoping to install shortly. My plan was to connect both positives, one from the main battery and one from the leisure battery and then to feed the negative wire to ground via the phoenix distributer. I have looked at the installation guide and note that the positive wire should be connected to the alternator not the starter battery. Will the way I was planning to install it still work? Many thanks in advance.

battery charging
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1 Answer
David avatar image
David answered ·

connect to the Starter +ve as you are thinking. 100% ok to do.

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jistjad avatar image jistjad commented ·
Thanks Wildebus :) and grounding it through the distributor is okay also?
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David avatar image David jistjad commented ·

I don't really know what you mean by a "phoenix distributer" TBH. Would that be a "Lynx Distributor"? (in which case, answer is yes).

Basically, the Negative connection needs a route that can handle with ease the current the B2B can send.

I am assuming you have a good -ve connection on the Leisure Battery (LB) to chassis or Starter Battery? If so, then one easy option is to connect the B2B -ve to LB -ve and the B2B output +ve to LB +ve. Ideally a B2B is fitted in close proximity to the LB, so that route should be very doable?

One rule of course which some forget ... if you have a Smartshunt or BMV, the -ve connection MUST be on the LOAD side of the Shunt and NOT the BAT side. So if you have one those, replace my "LB -ve" with "Shunt LOAD"

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jistjad avatar image jistjad David commented ·
I meant lynx sorry, my head is mush right now! Thats been a great help. I think the easiest thing for me would be to feed it through the lynx which will be grounded to the van. That way it keeps it all a bit neater but the way you mention had previously crossed my mind. Great help, thank you.
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