
Hannes Swart avatar image
Hannes Swart asked

Firmware Update

I want to upgrade to the new firmware, was just wondering if it would reset all my values in the system or will they stay unchanged?

firmware update
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@Hannes Swart,

Which device do you want to update the firmware on?

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Hannes Swart avatar image Hannes Swart Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Quattro 48/15000/200-2x100 and SmartSolar charger VE.Can 150/100

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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

@Hannes Swart,

When updating the firmware on your SmartSolar VE.Can, the settings are retained. With the Quattro you have to save the settings before the firmware update and restore them after the firmware update because the unit will be reset during firmware update.

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Hannes Swart avatar image Hannes Swart commented ·
So I have downloaded the remote config files to my computer using Remote VEConfigure via VRM, my question is can I then just upload the file again to the system after the upgrade and can I do this while the system is running as I am off grid?

Sorry I'm new to this :-(

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Hannes Swart commented ·
Yes, you can. Depending on what changes you have made, the MultiPlus may reboot. This happens for example if you have made changes to the Assistants.

Check the VRM:Remote VEConfigure document for more details.

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Hannes Swart avatar image Hannes Swart Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Ok so this is how I see it, I have downloaded the .rvms file to my computer via VEConfig using VRM, I can now update the firmware via VRM and the system will reboot. I am offgrid so when the system reboots will I have power to upload the file back via VRM or will there be no power till the file is uploaded? I ask because if there is no power I will not be able to upload the file as I wont have any internet
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Hannes Swart avatar image Hannes Swart Hannes Swart commented ·
I can connect the ccgx to my phones hotspot so it shouldn't be a problem
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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Hannes Swart commented ·

And while you read the document about remote VE.Bus firmware updates, makes sure you read about the requirements, especially about your CCGX has a serial HQ1707 or newer, two-communication is enabled and firmware is 2.65 or later. It's in the manual under requirements.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Hannes Swart commented ·

I'm not sure why I suggested to use remote VEConfigure, maybe because you said you have downloaded the remote config files. But for remote firmware update it is as said in my initial post, the Multi/Quattro will reset, which means it will power off and on again and by that will lose all settings.

As long as your GX device is live on VRM, there should be no problem to upload the remote config file again, unless your GX device is powered by the Multi/Quattro.

The whole procedure is described here:

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