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becauserv asked

MPPT Firmware 3.15, and Mandatory Updates

This is really two questions in one post, but they are related.

Question 1: Absorption Skipped in MPPT Firmware V3.15

I have a MPPT 250/75 Charge Controller and a friend of mine has a MPPT 250/100 charge controller. On both of our installations, when we install the V3.15 firmware the charge controllers skip absorption and go directly to float. We both reverted back to a previous firmware version (3.13 for mine, 3.14 for his) and the charge controller goes back to operating correctly.

I have seen this topic discussed in a different post as well (

Does Victron have plans to issue a new firmware update to correct this issue with skipping absorption?

Question 2: Mandatory Firmware Updates

As mentioned above, my friend reverted the firmware back to V3.14 on his MPPT 250/100 charge controller. However, when accessing the charge controller remotely via the Victron Connect app, he received notification of a mandatory firmware update and the app automatically updated the firmware back to V3.15.

Is there any way to block mandatory updates if we revert the firmware back to a previous version? Do we just not use the Victron Connect app until Victron releases an update that fixes this?

This installation is a 48V system using strings of 12V batteries, so repeatedly skipping absorption charge can lead to an imbalanced bank.


firmware update
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