
bigbrovar avatar image
bigbrovar asked

BMV Bricked due to forced firmware update

pxl-20220221-081510537mp.jpgHi all,

My BMV 700 stopped working yesterday after it promoted me to upgrade the firmware to 3.11v. Before then, I did not have any issue with it (Although I had not connected it to a bluetooth dongle for a very very long time - over a year.)

The situation has made the BMV 700 completely unusuable. When I try to install the firmware it get stuck at various stage before 100% and then fails. I have attached some pictures

firmware update
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2 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·


Keep trying the update, and ideally with another phone if possible.

The design of the BMV is that it cannot be bricked by a firmware update, but it can certainly fail many times before success.

There are additional troubleshooting steps here, please work through them 1 by 1 without skipping any, and it should all come good.

Apologies for the hassles, if after going through those steps 1 by 1, it still fails, please report back for Plan B.

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bigbrovar avatar image bigbrovar commented ·

Thanks @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) I followed your suggestion by using another phone and it worked. I was able to get the device's firmware to completely update without issues. Thanks.

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Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ bigbrovar commented ·

Thanks for the followup. Happy to hear it.

Again, I am sorry for the worry and that it is like this, we really put a lot of time into getting it working well, but with all the different phones, operating system versions, and software versions, it's an enormous amount of variables.

Do you mind me asking which phone and OS version you were having the issues with?

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Meadow Kaytlyn avatar image
Meadow Kaytlyn answered ·

I've encountered this situation many times, so I find it very normal.

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