
dicspicspt avatar image
dicspicspt asked

Multiplus charging


I'm a total newbie to this.

I have a multiplus 2 5000w 48v

connected to grid and solar array

li ion batteries fully charged at the end of the sunny day. Use power, batteries drain. Normal.

But now the charger kicks in and starts recharging from AC. (Its night time) I only want to re charge from solar.

what haven't I done?

Please be gentle

Thx in advance

battery charging
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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

First thing is to run through the full setup for your battery:

You want ESS and DVCC properly working.

The batteries will discharge down to the the minimum SOC you set and then switch to grid, but it shouldn't charge.

The GX will display an ESS state which will tell you what it is up to:

Section 6.5 ESS Battery Status Reason Code Numbers

The key for these codes is:

  • #1: SOC is low

  • #2: BatteryLife is active

  • #3: BMS disabled charging

  • #4: BMS disabled discharge

  • #5: Slow Charge in progress (part of BatteryLife, see above)

  • #6: User configured a charge limit of zero.

  • #7: User configured a discharge limit of zero.

Batteries will only charge from grid if the SOC has dropped below minimum thresholds.

This could be configuration related, so best is to make sure the inverter/charger is optimally configured for your battery, the same with ESS.

First step, read the manuals.

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frederikbove avatar image
frederikbove answered ·

Do you have Ess enabled? Because if you not reached the min soc it will slowly charge your batteries until reaching that active soc

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