
trenton-smith avatar image
trenton-smith asked

Second Alternator + DC-DC Charger

Hello everyone,

I am building a power system in a Sprinter and would like some advice on an idea I have.

I am installing a second alternator with Wakespeed controller connected to a Victron Lynx System (BMS and Distributor Busbars) controlled by a Cerbo GX. I am installing a 1320ah battery and am trying to figure out how to charge it as fast as possible.

So now to my question, it is a dumb idea to also add a Orion-Tr charger off of the starter battery/chassis alternator to the power-in busbar get additional charging? Or is this going to cause issues with the system as is?

This is pretty similar to what I have but with a 120v x2 3k inverter charger:

Also curious about wiring since the Wakespeed and Orion-Tr both use the BMS ATC connection

Any advice is greatly appreciated

orion-tr smartalternator
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1 Answer
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

I don't see why that would be a problem as it would be a completely different charge source. However watch your ATC current on the wakespeed (not sure how much current it draws). You may need to use a Solid Switch 104 (or something similar) for higher current. Or if you are using Victron Batteries, I'd look into the Lynx BMS as you can control the Wakespeed over CAN (with the white wire as backup in case can goes down).

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