
martin fisher avatar image
martin fisher asked

newbie install ccgx with gui mod

hi all ,i have a very basic setup,

pheonix charger 12/50/3 (direct ve)

ccgx screen connected to wifi

and a ET112 energy meter for the shore power input monitoring.

My question is i can see all the amps volts and loads for the et112 if i go into the device itself on the ccgx,

i wanted to be able to see these figure on the home tile so i installed the gui mod helper file (via usb stick) this is the @Kevin Windrem file and followed the procedure to setup, i now have an extra tile which shows more boxes and also the usage bar in each box , i cant for the life of me get the volts htz and amps to appear ! i have only watts in the a/c box.

am i missing a setting or do i need to add another file (please note i have never done coding before hense the download and usb install)

Venus OS
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

GuiMods provides two versions of the "flow overview" page.

The simpler one has larger tiles and does show voltage, current and frequency.

The other one provides more tiles to support more complex systems shows only total power in each tile. The switch between these two screens is determined by the Use Enhanced Grid Parallel Flow Overview in Settings / Display & Language / Gui Mods.

Both flow overviews also provide additional detail by tapping on the center of each tile.

Note I have not tested GuiMods with an energy meter so this configuration may need additional work on my part.

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martin fisher avatar image
martin fisher answered ·

Tried that and yes the tile has less boxes and the ac also has 3 lots of - - - under which is where I assume the Amps volts and htz would appear , unfortunately not in my case ,

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martin fisher avatar image
martin fisher answered ·

Thanks for the reply I would gladly donate to the cause if this is possible ! I have spent a small fortune in this setup and still don’t have what I want to see

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

I have made at an attempt to support a grid meter. It uses the grid meter's value if it is present even if an inverter/charger is also detected.

For those that have a grid meter, please try GuiMods v5.15 and let me know if you see any problems. (I don't have a grid meter so can't test beyond what's provided by the ESS demo.


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