
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) asked

Venus OS v2.83 released officially

Hi all,

just a short announce: v2.83 has been released officially. Thank you for the testing and feedback.

Changes are on Victron Professional; no changes and exactly the same as also announced here:

With v2.83 out, all issues that we are familiar with that started with the (big) v2.80 release are now solved.

All the best, Matthijs

Venus OS
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1 Answer
n-dee avatar image
n-dee answered Ā·

Big problems here with 2.83 and 2.84

Grid Setpoint isn't met anymore.
In my setting (Grid setpoint -20, total of all phases) it is at approx -180 all the time (selling to grid)
upon switching to individual phase, it goes to approx +180 (buying from grid)

Even setting it to +80 doesn't change this when on total of all phases.
please @mvader (Victron Energy) could anyone look at this. Feel free to try and adjust.

ID 58337

Problem started tonight - maybe with auto update to 2.84 (?)
Got back to 2.83 but problem still here.

After a reboot its ok some minutes but then it gets to -180 again.

System: 6x MP II 5000, 5x MPPT, 1x Fronius Symo, 45kwh BYD LVL - all firmwares on latest.
Unfortunately can't go back to 2.73 (which was fine) as i already was on 2.84


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pau1phi11ips avatar image pau1phi11ips commented Ā·
@N-DEE That's a beast of a system!

Grid Set point working fine here on 2.84 but just on a single MP II

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·
Hi @N-DEE , thank you. noted and we'll check and get back to you. I see that you were also in touch with @Daniƫl Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) earlier.
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n-dee avatar image n-dee mvader (Victron Energy) ā™¦ā™¦ commented Ā·


Yes that was because of high fluctuations. But now grid setpoint is not met most of the time.
But water warming and charger enabling depends on that, so for example I had to move the starting-value of water warming further into the minus aswell

Actual grid feed in is slighty better then yesterday - but not -20w

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thomasw-1 avatar image thomasw-1 n-dee commented Ā·

@N-DEE ,

in my 3-phase system with 2.83-1 it works as such with a set-point og -30W.


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n-dee avatar image n-dee thomasw-1 commented Ā·


Well I don't think that's really good either...
looks pretty much like mine.

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n-dee avatar image n-dee commented Ā·

In this chart we can see how slowly victron inverters are regulating when there is varying load.
(note - BYD charges so Gridsetpoint is -20 ! Water warming kicks in @ -500w, car charger kicks in on PV -300w so I have to disconnect cars to impede on and off switching)


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