
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj asked

Temperature sensors multiplus ii +smart battery sensor

EASY Solar II GX, Smart Battery Sensor (Smart solar sees its temp readings), DVCC enabled, STS enabled, i DO NOT see SBS's temperature sensor in Remote Console>DVCC>available Temperature sensors. Why not?

remote console
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1 Answer
jj-o-jj avatar image
jj-o-jj answered ·

8.4.3. Shared Temperature Sense (STS)
Select the temperature sensor to use; and the GX device will send the measured battery temperature to the Inverter/charger
system as well as all connected Solar Chargers.
Selectable sources for the battery temperature are:
• BMV-702 battery monitor
• BMV-712 battery monitor
• Lynx Shunt VE.Can battery monitors
• Temperature inputs on a Cerbo GX (and same for other GX devices that have a temperature input)
• Multi/Quattro inverter/charger
• Solar Chargers (if fitted with a temperature sensor)

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