
aglowack avatar image
aglowack asked

Using the 500amp Smart Shunt with a starting motor battery

I have a simple question that I want to verify. Just purchased a Lithium starting battery for my boat and also purchased the 500amp Smart Shunt. The question is, should the cable coming from my outboard be connected to the load side? I assume the answer is yes, I checked the CCA requirement for my motor and it's only 400amps. Thanks in advance

Lithium Battery
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

If you are intending to count the energy from the outboard alternator for this battery, then yes, you need to connect it like that.
400A should be fine for a 500A shunt, besides, it is a really short burst for starting.

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Nev avatar image
Nev answered ·

As wkirby mentioned, yes.

Our Canter based motorhome has a 500A SmartShunt monitoring all current through our 4 cell 300Ah LiFePO4 including the 3.9l TD starting current that has recorded a peak of 730A but only for a fraction of a second.

Your outboard start current will be a breeze for your SmartShunt.

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