
tmartin000 avatar image
tmartin000 asked

Can Cerbo GX get battery temp from Multi's via VE Bus RJ45 connection?

I would have to tear apart walls and floors to run JUST an-add on battery temp sensor directly to the Cerbo GX. Can I simply expect the Multi to pass that along?

I currently have a temp sensor connected to the Multi now...

cerbo gx
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

It can get that information from the MultiPlus and show it on VRM. It can be seen under the battery details section in VRM:


It isn't shown anywhere on the console though.

EDIT: Also, I don't want to sound pedantic, but it is a VE.Bus connection between the MultiPlus and the CerboGX, it's not VE.Can (unless you have a Multi RS there?).

Sounds like nitpicking but there is an important distinction.

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marekp avatar image marekp commented ·


Are you sure you can still see the battery temperature from MP-II sensor in the battery tile?

I cannot see it now but I could couple months ago.

I asked a question about it and did not get the answer why it is gone.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ marekp commented ·
Czesc Marek

Yes, I can see it. That picture I took a few minutes ago.
Strange why your's is missing.

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jokani avatar image
jokani answered ·

I'm keen to know this as well.

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