
Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image
Vangelis Beligiannis asked

Pv inverter connected on Ac-1 shows up on Ac out on VRM. Energy meter used and configured as Pv inverter on AC-in.

I have a system with an energy meter ET340 on the grid.

A second energy meter ET340 is on the pv inverter connected on the Ac-in.

Both meters are configured correctly. They are connected on a CERBO with an RS485 to usb interface each.

The PV shows up in the ac out!

I am running last firmware, I have reset the system, I have removed and reinstalled the meter but nothing.

Any ideas?

img-20220206-133133.jpgImage Caption



Energy Meter
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4 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Vangelis Beligiannis

I'm not really sure what you mean here, but if it's the yellow tile, that's actually for pv input, not loads. It may be missing the direction indicators and linked to the Multi/Quattro, but that's something you may need to learn to live with.

What does the VRM Dashboard show?

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Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image
Vangelis Beligiannis answered ·


This is a pv on ac in with a grid meter. Am I wrong? This is how you see the grid and the Ac loads on the input when you have a smart meter on the grid

1644213871321.png (54.1 KiB)
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Ingo avatar image
Ingo answered ·

Are you using ESS? If so, just check that you've selected your energy meter on the Grid side as the energy meter ESS should use. Settings -> ESS -> Grid metering -> 'Your Grid Meter'.

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Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image Vangelis Beligiannis commented ·
No I am not using ESS
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fenolski avatar image
fenolski answered ·


I have same problem here. Fronius PV, which is configured on AC1 input side shows on AC output side. Is this only graphic issue or wrong configuration? I use Multiplus II, raspbery and VenusOS but also VRM portal shows Fronius on wrong side. Please help.

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Vangelis Beligiannis avatar image Vangelis Beligiannis commented ·
Are you running an ESS? Do you have a grid meter as well?
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fenolski avatar image fenolski Vangelis Beligiannis commented ·

No, I do not use ES mode. I also do not have any external meter.

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