
hane avatar image
hane asked

Does a VE MultiPlus provide integrated energy metering display (kWh) at AC input, either via Cerbo GX and/or VictronConnect?

If yes, where can I find any documentation thereto? Thx in advance ...

Energy Meter
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @hane

Not really sure what you're looking for here, but 'kWh' suggests historical data. The GX (if connected) uploads this to the VRM Portal and history is accessed from there.

Documentation for VRM.. Look under Dashboard, but I'm not sure it covers 'Consumption' very well. It looks like this..


You can select the time period and have it recalculate. It doesn't actually say 'Multiplus', but in this pic that's all it can be. (I don't know whether dc loads are in there or not.) Is this what you're looking for?

Hover a mouse over the coloured bits for detail.

1643610591953.png (108.7 KiB)
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hane avatar image
hane answered ·

Hi @JohnC

Thx for your answer. I followed your hints and it seems that VRM provides a historical solution ... I'm further looking for a local solution and wondering whether it's possible to customize e.g. in the CerboGX screen the "Shore" field left top to show besides AC-in voltage and current also the energy in kWhs (in total and/or consumed since a certain point of time or event, like consumtion today or since last AC-in connection) ... always keeping in mind, this was not for billing purposes but for information only.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

Sorry, no. Cerbo has enough to do without historical stuff.

There is a History section in VictronConnect for some individual devices. A different approach to VRM's, but there might be something in there you prefer.

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hane avatar image hane JohnC ♦ commented ·
Thx again, I remain confident that such soft grid meter feature for AC-in might be available in the future, preferably with the VictronConnect app.
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