
brian-mullen avatar image
brian-mullen asked

CCGX always showing 95% no matter voltage

Hello all. My CCGX always shows my batteries at 95% no matter the voltage. Today I was adding some panels and had the panels breaker off. So my batteries were getting drained. My batteries were at about 25.9v and my CCGX displayed my batteries at 95%. I was a little confused and tried researching and can't find any one else with this problem. I have been charging my batteries from shore power and they are at 27.2v and my CCGX shows them as 95%.

Is there something wrong with my CCGX or my Quattro? Why does it continuously show 95% no matter my battery voltage?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerCCGX Color Control
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Brian Mullen

Is the internal battery monitor on the Quattro programmed for your battery capacity?

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brian-mullen avatar image brian-mullen commented ·


Yes it is, set for LIFEPO4 and 24v. I can go out tomorrow morning and screenshot my Quattro settings for you to peak at. I honestly never paid attention because I was always on shore. I just recently switched to PV only and saw the 95% never change. It's crazy is shows the correct voltage, but not the correct %


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brian-mullen avatar image brian-mullen commented ·


I just realized it isn't showing the correct voltage either. Showing 27.4v and my batteries are at 27.0v. Might be something fishy in my settings after all the power changes today. You may be correct about looking at the Quattro capacity settings. I may have set the battery AH/Voltage/type once, but it may have not saved with the resets today. I'll inspect tomorrow morning and update!screenshot-20220125-215006-xiaoxiang.jpg

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ brian-mullen commented ·

The voltage difference could just be a voltage drop due to the charging current.
Without a current flow the voltage should be the same (+/- 0,1V)

You only have the Quattro and CCGX? Any other components? What batteries do you have?

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brian-mullen avatar image brian-mullen Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
I have two MPPT's, the CCGX, Quattro 5000/24v, Orion 12/24, Linx distro.

My batteries are self built CATL LiFePO4. 8 series 3.2v 380ah cells to a 24v pack. I have 3 packs. Overkill Solar BMS.

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