
stevomyatt avatar image
stevomyatt asked

VRM Instance Number Changed


Amongst a couple of firmware upgrades and factory resets to my Cerbo GX, two devices have changed VRM instance. E.g. Smart Solar MPPT changed from 278 to 279. This also affected a GX Tank 140 input.

Is there an explanation for this, and is there a way to move VRM history from 278 to 279? I do not want to lose the history for the original VRM instance device.



cerbo gx
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


Weird one. Usually I have seen them chnage when they were unplugged and then plugged back in, especially if it went into a different port.

Or if was reset with nothing plugged in then reconnected to the system again as then it is a new device to the system

Otherwise never seen them change.

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13 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, this was an issue for VE.Direct connected products, up until Venus OS v2.65.

that version fixed the problem, by tying the used vrm instance number to the serial number of the connected BMV, Solar Charger, etc.

Every boot of Venus OS, it checks, for each connected vedirect product, if there already is is a reserved vrm instance number for its serialno, and then uses that.

And if not it reserves a new one.

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goelvis avatar image goelvis commented ·

Solved (for me: venus3.0~20 on Raspi3, MPII via MK3 + some peripherals)

"Every boot of Venus OS, it checks, .." was the leading hint. I proceeded as follows.

a) keep open both windows, the raspi console and the vrm device list view, where the "old" (guess: 288) and the new vrm instance of the MPII is shown

b) reboot the venus / raspi

c) now, before venus comes up, delete the device with the non-wanted vrm instance

After venus came up, it checked the detected MPII against VRM and accepted the "old" vrm id. voila.

I would be proud of hearing any confirmation of this path.

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stevomyatt avatar image stevomyatt commented ·

Thanks @mvader (Victron Energy) for the explanation, makes sense.

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@mvader (Victron Energy),

Does this also apply to VE.Bus connected products like the MultiPlus?

The reason of my question:

In the last few days the VRM instance for the MultiPlus has gradually changed from 289 to 290 and 291. And since the firmware update this morning to Venus OS v2.80~44 back to 289. I can hardly keep up with changing the VRM widgest ;-)

In one case the reason was a change via VE.Config that triggered an automatic reset of the multi. Unfortunately, I had my GX Rpi connected to the AC Out...

The other changes to the VRM instance were each triggered by a firmware update from Venus OS.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I’ll find out. Could be its an issue only when using external MK3-USB, like on a pi..

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks. Yes, only VE.Bus affected. VE.Direct devices so far never have changed their VRM instance for me.
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johnwi avatar image johnwi Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I've the same issue, it would be nice if this can be solved

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fgs-pantera avatar image fgs-pantera johnwi commented ·
HI, the same issue for me. Running Venus Os on Raspi. VE.Bus changing instance 288, 289,290. Connected are smart shunt, Multiplus 800, MPPT 75/15. Any proposed solution?

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coreyzev avatar image coreyzev fgs-pantera commented ·
+1 here. going to make a new post for MK3-USB
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iammotorhomeless avatar image
iammotorhomeless answered ·

I was having this problem too...
I had both the MK3-USB and the DIY VE.Direct Cable for the Shunt plugged in to the two USB 3.0 sockets on the PI

I have moved the MK3-USB into the USB 2.0 socket on the PI... and this seems to have fixed my problem
it's only been 40 hours, but no disconnects and no problems with the MK3-USB VRM instance number changing from 288 to 289 and back again evrytime I reboot

has anyone else managed to fix this problem?


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iammotorhomeless avatar image iammotorhomeless commented ·

another 24 hours in... and still no drop outs

I don't know if it's the slower USB 2.0 or if it is having them on differant 'usb feeds' into the PI

but it is working :)

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n8lauscher avatar image
n8lauscher answered ·

@mvader (Victron Energy)

Unfortunately, I have exactly the same problem, only that my ID always increases by one.

I have a Multiplus Compact connected to a Pi Venus 3.00 beta via an MK3.

Unfortunately, the VRM instance increases by one each time the system is restarted. I currently started at 293, I started at 288.

This is of course annoying for the settings (dashboard), since the widgets I have set do not remain the same and change every time as a result of the change.

Is there a way to assign a fixed VRM instance for the device via the Venus OS console or perr SSH so that it no longer changes.

Devices connected via VE-Connect are not affected by this issue.

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georgebester avatar image
georgebester answered ·


In My Case why would there be no VRM instance at all ie = 0

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

I have this all the time, even deleting the devices brings them back.

Currently having the issue that one of my two MPPTs every day loses the BMS connection and then turns into error/off.

Asking myself if this could be related to the differend VRM IDs.

I have a Raspi PI, Venus OS 2.89, MK3 USB device and the MPPTs are directly connected to the Raspi.

The two Multiplus II 5000 are configured as a 2 phase-split system.

Funfact: The VE.Bus System 289 (2 phase split system) is the same like the MPPT which has a problem.

The MPTT with VE.Bus System 290 works like a charm...


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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Update if interesting for anybody:

The issue with losing the signal to REC BMS seems more related to the used USB port used on the raspberry than the VRM Instance, as I played with the USB port used and currently it works like expected:

VE.Bus System (2 split phase Multiplus II 5.000) has the instance 288.


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fgs-pantera avatar image
fgs-pantera answered ·

HI, the same issue for me. Running Venus Os on Raspi. VE.Bus changing instance 288, 289,290. Connected are smart shunt, Multiplus 800, MPPT 75/15. Any proposed solution?

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

...after playing around with USB-ports used it's running stable here now for >1 week. Will keep you posted if the problems reoccur.

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Joe avatar image
Joe answered ·

Update: Stable for more than one week, but then the problem reoccured:( so no finlal Solution by playing around with the USB ports.

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24vnorm avatar image
24vnorm answered ·


I have a similar problem ( Kann man die VRM-Instanzen manuell ändern oder zuweisen? - Victron Community ( ), I have a SmartShunt and an MPPT the same instance.

Swapping and changing the connection, whether USB or VE.direkt, hasn't changed anything.

Deleting and reconnecting the devices does not work either.

Can I change the VRM instance manually?

If it is possible, how is it done?

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n8lauscher avatar image
n8lauscher answered ·

Hello everyone,

unfortunately the problem still persists for me.

Unfortunately, connected devices do not keep the connection and lose it after a certain time, initially there were several MPPTs and the constant changing of the ID with the Multiplus.

All USB cables have been replaced with new ones, but there is no improvement.

It would be enough for me at the moment if there were a way to automatically reboot the Venus OS after 4 hours.

But how can this be realized?

Has anyone here an idea?

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

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ostwest avatar image ostwest commented ·

To reboot is not the answer. This problem has to be fixed. It is annoying to many Victron-Users.

But for you: make a script somewhere in the /data folder:

nano /data/

shutdown -r now

chmod +x /data/

Then make a cronjob:

crontab -e

00 00 * * * /data/

to save in VI: ":w"

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tom w avatar image
tom w answered ·

Yesterday my 24/1200 (ID=289) switched back to the ID of my broken 24/500 (ID=288) after rebooting the PI3 with Venus-OS 2.82-large-30.
Is there a fix in later Venus releases?

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goelvis avatar image
goelvis answered ·

Solved (for me: venus3.0~20 on Raspi3, MPII via MK3 + some peripherals)

"Every boot of Venus OS, it checks, .." was the leading hint. I proceeded as follows.

a) keep open both windows, the raspi console and the vrm device list view, where the "old" (guess: 288) and the new vrm instance of the MPII is shown

b) reboot the venus / raspi

c) now, before venus comes up, delete the device with the non-wanted vrm instance

After venus came up, it checked the detected MPII against VRM and accepted the "old" vrm id. voila.

I would be proud of hearing any confirmation of this path.

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pierregayot avatar image pierregayot commented ·

Et voila doesnt work. tried it few time and vrm 288 on my MPPT75/15 return each time and seems to confuse with my Shunt also with a vrm 288. any hint?


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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ pierregayot commented ·
Having a battery and a solarcharger on the same instance is no problem
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