
jasonandress avatar image
jasonandress asked

14 point Venus GX Phoenix Connector

I’ve lost the original green connectors for my Venus GX. I’m interested in adding temperature probes. I’ve found a place to buy it but there are 3 distinct sizes they come in. 3.5, 3.81, or 5.08mm.

Can someone tell me which one will fit the Venus GX?


Venus GX - VGX
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Myself I do not know so I would suggest the easiest way is that you buy one of each and see which one fits. - they cant be that expensive

from your request 3 distinct sizes they come in. 3.5, 3.81, or 5.08mm. so what are the measurements of the plastic size the spacing size of the pins - the pin length

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