
mcduman avatar image
mcduman asked

THD (Total harmonic distortion) figures

Hi. I am looking for the thd figures of inverters and could not see them in the datasheets. Many thanks

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2 Answers
Danakil avatar image
Danakil answered ·

Hi mcduman,

The harmonics are created by your lines and your loads, not by the inverter, that's why there is nothing in the Victron's datasheet.

Set-up a power line anlyser with THD like this one:

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mihair avatar image mihair commented ·

That is not true as there is no such thing like perfect pure sine output inverter, hence 0%THD.

The best power inverters are under 3% THD measured on pure resistive load.

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Danakil avatar image Danakil mihair commented ·

Yes you totally right, I forgot about these ones and misread the questions

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi Mc. i knew I'd seen them somewhere before, so I went for a look. You're right about them not being in the 'consumer' spec sheets, but seem to be available in the Tech Details section of the relevant model's manual.

< 5% seems to be a common figure, but I did spot one that said < 3%.

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mcduman avatar image mcduman commented ·

thanks for looking. i know < 3% is as good as it gets. however it seems i am unable to locate this spec in the user manual either. there is ac output tolerance which is +/- 3% but this is not what i am looking for.

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ mcduman commented ·

Actually you're right. It doesn't seem to be included in the current Victron official downloads. I did it the lazy way of course and just typed 'victron inverter "thd"' into google, and it found me a few examples. Which may of course be derived from older info.

Sorry for the bum steer. You could do the same if that's enough info for you. If not, 'Answer' here again and ask for some definitive figures. The model you want the info of would help too.

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