
thirdeyesamuel avatar image
thirdeyesamuel asked

Does the 11% Efficiency Loss of 24/48-8.5a Orion Converter stack when paralleled? (I've got 3 in parallel, is that a 33% loss?)

I'm running 3 of these 24/48 8.5a Orion Converter's and a dedicated 150/60 MPPT (for alternator charging) after my 1200W Victron Buck Boost Converter. The Orion's + MPPT output is about 700-800W+. This would appear to be a result of their 11% individual efficiency losses stacking.

Is this in fact how they work? Thanks!

***this is an experimental system necessary to achieve the 33v charging output needed for my high 24v (28-33v operational voltage) Nissan Leaf battery system.

I'll be continuing testing and checking shared load via temperature and dc current clamp metering.

If I decide to go another direction it will be with a Safiery Scotty 3000W device.



Orion DC-DC Converters not smart
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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·

No, by putting 3 in parallel, you have 3 times the power, with the same efficiency as one alone would have.

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Related Resources

Victron DC-DC converters product page

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