
ros avatar image
ros asked

charging absorption 58V



2x 48/5000VA multiplus in parallel




600Ah traction batt

I have got problem with charging.

Multiplus, BMV and MPPT has setup absorption 56,6V , but absorption charging to 58V. It doesn't matter charging from AC multiplus or MPPT.

I did restar ccgx. I did double check setup all multiplus, BMV, MPPT everywhere is absorption56.6V, float 55.5V

Any advice?



battery charging
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2 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @ros

Temperature Compensation setting? That's what it will do with cold batteries. And the other way when hot. 25 degC is the start point.

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ros avatar image ros commented ·


Temperature Compensation is OFF in multiplus and MPPT as well.


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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ ros commented ·
Do you have lithium batteries?
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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ ros commented ·

Where are you seeing this? If a max reported over a day, then could be just a spike. A screenshot showing a stable Absorb V would be good.

Are you using DVCC, and if so, where is it sourcing V?

You say it's regardless of charger, but this suggests it's not at the individual chargers, but something common to both.

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ros avatar image
ros answered ·


i have got lead acid battery.

Yes, actually DVCC is ON.


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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ commented ·

I overlooked that you're using ESS, so under DVCC the mppt(s) should be using the settings from the Multi, not it's own. The V should be from the BMV.

I don't know how you check the Multi settings, but I'd download a fresh file and take a good look over it. Especially temp comp.

The graph appears to be from the BMV, showing a Multi charging. And if you don't mind me saying so, perhaps for too long in Absorb, going by the Tail current for 600Ah of batts.

I think the key place to look is the Multi settings. You probably should be using temp comp anyway, but if you're worried that the Abs is too high then just lower the setting to compensate. I've never actually come across the need to do this, so I hate saying that because there is likely an 'unseen' reason for it.

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