
jsheehan avatar image
jsheehan asked

What size NH Fuses do I Need?

Here is my Offgrid Wiring Diagram. I am thinking of wiring my Pylontech batteries like this because I have researched that the Pylontech cables are only 25mm so if I bought 2 sets of Pylontech cables and by wiring it like this it makes the cable 50mm. I was wondering if someone could please tell me what size NH Fuses I should put in my Fuse Disconnect Switch. Kind Regards.


2 |3000

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2 Answers
Sander van Noort avatar image
Sander van Noort answered ·


the Pylontech U3000 manual says recommended discharge from 37A.
With one Multiplus II 48/5000 the 2 U3000 units are not strong enough to supply the maximum
peak from the Multiplus II 48/5000, the manual says a peak of 120A on the DC side.

I would recommend to use at least 3 U3000 units, and use 63A or 80A NH per Unit.

Regards from Germany

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bombadill avatar image
bombadill answered ·

Did you go through with this route? I am curious, why did you not connect the pylontechs to the lugs in the distributor (not the busbar ends directly). You could have fuse there... ?

Also, what kind of fuses you ended up using - same as mentioned in the diagram (100A + 200A)?

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Related Resources

Victron Pylontech battery compatibility guide

Fuses & fuse holders Product Page.

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