
charlie-d avatar image
charlie-d asked

AC Current Sensor incorrect reading

I have a Victron Current Sensor connected to a Quattro 15KVA inverter reading 4 small grid tie inverters connected to the AC Bus. The sensor is set to its highest reading to allow 7kw input. The color control is only showing about two thirds of the actual input. It has been working for 2 weeks now. Is there any way to calibrate it. It is reading 0w when there is no input.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
@Charlie D

How wired and fitted in the system? And what size is it in relation to the conductirs passing through it.

Normally with reading issues it is incorrect sized ct or clipped on the wrong wires.

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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

As far as I know there is no calibration options for this product.

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