
manicorganic avatar image
manicorganic asked

UK Installer List

Hi, New to the group. How do you find an Victron installer/engineer in the UK please. North West England ideally.

Thanks, Clay

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13 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·
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manicorganic avatar image manicorganic commented ·
Thanks. That's a great place to start.
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manicorganic avatar image
manicorganic answered ·

Thanks. that's a great place to start.

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Conor avatar image
Conor answered ·

Hi clay! We are an authorised installer listed with Victron! We are based in the UK in the north west in Lancashire. Find us under Crozier Design LTD.

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thisisjshouse avatar image
thisisjshouse answered ·

Hello Connor,
Are there any installers in London please to install a battery and inverter?

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affordableenergy avatar image affordableenergy commented ·
Can anyone recommend an installer based in or around Hertfordshire? Thanks in advance.
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bob-the-tester avatar image bob-the-tester affordableenergy commented ·
Hi did you ever found the answer to this please? I am also looking for victron installer in Hertfordshire.
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Tom Lodge avatar image Tom Lodge affordableenergy commented ·
Yes we are Victron installers based near Reading


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affordableenergy avatar image affordableenergy commented ·
Did you find anyone and if so, would you recommend them? TIA
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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Good luck having the same issues in Buckinghamshire, seems lots of people sell the kit but getting the install done is a lot harder. I’m looking at getting a local spark to do the install as the mains needs to be rerouted and then hopefully as if by magic getting a Victron installer to commission the install but I’m a good couple of months out before that

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Andrew avatar image Andrew commented ·
@Daza i am trying to find one Northants just need inverter changing but nobody near
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bladerunnervf avatar image
bladerunnervf answered ·

If you find one please share it with us, interested in one covering Hertfordshire...

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Ended up doing the install myself with the mains run by my cousins who are sparks, ive temp wired the Cerbo just so I can set it up should have the inverter next month. Need to do more wiring for the inverter but most if not all of the hard wiring is done now just need crimps to finish the 120mm2 cable


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bladerunnervf avatar image
bladerunnervf answered ·

best of luck with your install daza, do let us know how you get on.

Must confess I'm curious as to your PV system, panels, inverters, MPPTs etc but guess that's for another thread...

Are you exporting to the grid ?

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daza avatar image daza commented ·

Thanks. PV is Solis AC that’s feed from the houses CU then loops to the garage then to the grid, 3.2kW array all black panels. Yes the PV is exporting to the grid it was installed by an MSC installer so I’ve not changed anything on that I just added the split CU with 25mm 5core cable so the garage is now where the mains goes.

it’s getting there!


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susejdog avatar image
susejdog answered ·

I am based in South East. If anyone need an advice or any help with Victron products just reach out. I’m happy to help.

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stwills avatar image stwills commented ·
Hi, I am looking for an installer in the Cranleigh/Horsham area to connect up (AC sub CU, MCBs etc

+ ET112) to an already installed MP2 5KW inverter that has recently been approved for connection by my DNO.

Can you recommend anyone?



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sebby avatar image sebby stwills commented ·
Hi there, do you by any happy chance work in London? I need a full health check on my Victron system. I am based at Chelsea Harbour
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treforowenjoes avatar image
treforowenjoes answered ·

hi am looking for victron engineer /installer east midlands any ideas

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Tom Lodge avatar image
Tom Lodge answered ·


We are experience Victron installers, Electricians and solar PV engineers with 15 years experience in the industry.

We are based in Berkshire near Reading

If you need any advice or assistance please feel free to get in touch



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daniel-feist avatar image daniel-feist commented ·

After spending a long time trying to find someone with Victron experience to install our 3-phase ESS system just up the road from you in Finchampstead I finally had a local electrician do all the cabling and I did all the 3-phase config and commissioning 10 days ago. We ran into a couple of issues, but all up and running now.

A shame you didn't join the forum a few months back! Anyway, good to know you are local if we have any issues.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

@bladerunnervf I’m all done and been operational for about just over a month, thanks to all the members that helped me through the Victron journey.



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bladerunnervf avatar image bladerunnervf commented ·

Congratulations on your build daza, handy to have electricians in the family ! Did they do the MSC to so you could export to the grid?

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tayuk avatar image
tayuk answered ·

That system is not too dissimilar to what I'm looking at, I'm ooking at the 8000 unit with one more US5000, I'll be building solar later but wanted to get some storage in place now and then suppliment TOU tariffs to charge up.

I'm on the south coast in Worthing, I'm struggling to find anybody to install it for me, Bimble in Lewis can sell the kit and have some great prices, but I cant find anybody to do the actual install, I dont trust myself to wire a plug let alone something this big (and expensive). Does anybody know anyone on the south coast that understands and is prepared to supply/commission Victron kit?

I'll be disappointed if I have a go for an alternate solution/brand due to lack of professional services down this way.


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si-mon avatar image si-mon commented ·

Hi, I have been talking to a guy called Paul, seems to know his stuff, their number is 02382 250 135, they also have a sales person called Tom. They are based in Southampton so shouldn't be that far away. If you say Simon from Exeter gave you the details it might give me some points to get in their "good books"

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