
michel-aspirot avatar image
michel-aspirot asked

Raspberry Pi Venus OS - Fridge Temperature sensor

I had originally installed a SmartSunt 500a in my campervan and added the auxiliary starter battery voltage cable to the sunt. I recently added a Raspberry Pi 3 with the Venus OS v2.73 and love using the VRM portal.

My question is id like to add 2 temperature sensors to the system. One for my 12v refrigerator and one for inside the van to see the ambient temperature.

If anyone has done this in the past id love to hear which sensor you used and how you plug it into the raspberry pi.


Raspberry PiTemperature Sensor
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3 Answers
nebulight avatar image
nebulight answered ·

Moved to the modification space.

Raspberry Pi will require an ADC (analog to digital converter) chip to use temps. There are a lot of posts here about it. However with 2.80 (currently in beta), victron is going to start using Ruuvi wireless bluetooth temp sensors. It's been a while since I used a Pi so I don't recall if bluetooth is working on the pi or not, but if so that may be a much easier option if you don't want to go down the ADC route.

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powerace avatar image
powerace answered ·

Another option is to use so called DS18B20 sensors. They are digital and quite accurate for what you want. They can be directly connected to the GPIO pins of the RPI and don't need a ADC board. Several people here on the forum have been using them but unfortunately they don't work out of the box with Venus OS. As far as i understood a driver needs to be loaded manually and the sensor values needs to be put on the dbus to be able to make them readable in the GUI.

I couldn't find a good manual how to do it. Here is a link where you can read that it should work.

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dirkmuc avatar image
dirkmuc answered ·


I successfully integrated an BME280 sensor into Venus on my RPi4 with all values send into VRM thanks to work done by @LaurenceH

Since Venus 2.80~21 RUUVI sensors are support, which is a great improvement. They run out of the box with the little down turn that “only” temperature is shown in the VRM. But that´s OK for me.

To measure fridge temperature I think the RUUVI sensor is the way to go.


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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·

So am I right - you use the RUUVI Sensor for the fridge?

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dirkmuc avatar image dirkmuc itsme commented ·
Yes, currently my BME280 is not integrated. I want to use the BME680 instead, but this will take some time

For the freezer I use the Pro version of the RUUVI, for the others the normal one.
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