
miya avatar image
miya asked

Transferring ownership of Venus GX

Hi All

I am in the process of selling my yacht - and the full Victron install will be going with the yacht to a new owner - including the Venus GX.

I assume I delete the Venus GX install from my VRM accounts, the new owner creates a VRM account - and then add the Venus GX to his VRM account - and that is it ?

Can anyone point me in the right direction - what steps I should take ?



Venus GX - VGX
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Yes that will work.

You can also invite the new user with their email address to the install, set them with admin rights and delete yourself or they remove you. I have found this way work better. There is often less issues for the new user especially if they are unfamiliar with the system.

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miya avatar image miya commented ·

Hi Alexandra

Thanks - your suggestion sounds perfect - everything will just be there waiting for the new buyer - and I can show him around, Perfect - thanks !

Once he has removed my email address... do you know... will I then be able to create a new VRM account with my old existing email address - for use with the new yacht I am getting ?



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ miya commented ·
Your vrm account will still exist as it is. You can have loads more than one install on it at a time. And you can use it as is with the next install or gx you connect to.
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