
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem asked

Normal vs Grid Parallel

I am working on a change to GuiMods to support the Grid Parallel flow overview and am trying to sort out the differences between the two. According to the code, the normal overview is used for everything except ESS and Hub-4 configurations. But you can still have PV inverters on the input and output of a Multi/Quatro even for Hub-1, etc. You can also have non-critical and critical loads for Hub-1 systems.

In the normal flow overview, all PV inverters regardless of connection point are combined into one tile; and the critical and non-critical loads are also combined into one tile. But on the Grid Parallel flow overview, there are separate tiles for each. Are these just simplifications to make the GUI less complicated or are there some underlying system differences at play here?

GuiMods computes the power the inverter is actually delivering to the loads (or grid in the case of Feed-In for ESS). It displays this power an a gauge. This is information the stock GUI does not provide anywhere. I calculate this by subtracting any AC input (sys.acInput) and any PV Inverter contributions (sys.pvOnAcOut) from the AC output value (sys.acLoad). Seems sys.pvOnAcInput should also be factored in. Yes?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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