
grshwn avatar image
grshwn asked

MultiPlus inverter/relay problem

I have a phoenix multiplus 1600VA which is only 2 months old and has just stopped working. I was charging the batteries from a generator and running a high AC load (washing machine), which was all working as it should. When I turned off the generator, it didn't switch back into inverting mode. All three LEDs (inverter, charger, and alarm) were flashing. I tried reinstalling the firmware but this didn't work. I turned the generator on, and it kept repeatedly cycling on/off.

It has now started working as a charger again. When you connect AC in, it goes into inverting mode briefly and then charging, but when you disconnect the AC in it just switches off. Could this be some problem with the internal relay or something? Is there a fuse somewhere that might need replacing?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter ChargerPhoenix Inverter
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2 Answers
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Lots of reasons can cause this the common one is below

1 battery voltage drops below min levels

2 there is a large load starting and thus overloading the inverter

3 two small a size battery cable or 2 long from battery to inverter thus large battery volt drop

4. incorrect size battery and the battery cant supply the loads IE the BMS turns off in the battery.

5. the large Mega Fuse inside the inverter/charger is blown

So check the DC voltage at the inverter terminals WHEN the fault occurs

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grshwn avatar image
grshwn answered ·

Just checked and the DC voltage is fine when the AC in is disconnected and the fault occurs (about 26V)

Does this mean that option 5 is the most likely?

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